Would you like to be involved in some way with the Famous Trains model railway project in Markeaton Park in Derby? We always welcome new volunteers – the more the merrier!
You don’t have to have special skills, though these are always useful. We just need people who like real or model railways and who want to be involved with the project. Many of our volunteers currently just receive our letters and meetings notes to keep themselves up-to-date, in the expectation that they will be involved at a future time.
As the project proceeds we shall welcome help in activities such as:
- Making suggestions for layout design.
- Making suggestions to improve this web site.
- Cleaning the inside of the building.
- Designing and/or painting artwork for the window blanking boards outside the building.
- Helping build layouts, including baseboards, trackwork, electrics, signalling, scenery, model buildings and painting people (training will be available).
- Helping to operate the layouts. Training will be essential and will be an enjoyable experience, we promise!
- Repairing trains, track and electrics that develop problems.
- Explaining about railways to visitors to the model railway (some may never have travelled on a train!).
- Helping with the entrance fees from visitors.
- Telling other people about the Famous Trains model railway project.
- Or just being there to encourage the rest of us!
The list is endless.
Take Action
If you would like join us, mail your name and address to the Hon. Membership Secretary whose address and e-mail may be found on the Contacts/Membership page.
We would love to hear from you